OK, I probably should have made these three YouTube posts all one post. But I kept discovering different clips throughout the day. Plus, it's easier for search engines to find my site if I include certain keywords in the headlines and in the links. So more headlines means more hits. Incidentally, that's why the titles of my posts tend to be more descriptive than clever. It's all in the name of "search-engine optimization."
Anyway, as you can probably tell, I'm new to YouTube. If you are, too, it's just a place where people upload video clips. They're all in the same format, so you don't have to worry about having the right player.
In addition to the Spring Awakening and "Scrubs" videos listed below, there are also two really cool Grey Gardens clips. One is of the luminous Christine Ebersole performing the alternately frenzied and moving "Around the World" in a concert setting. The second is Ebersole at the Drama Desk Awards doing the Act opener "The Revolutionary Costume for Today."
Check 'em out. She's amazing.
Christine Ebersole is extraordinary. I saw the show at the Walter Kerr Theatre and now I wish so badly that they'd sell a DVD of the MUSICAL since I've told so many people about it (across the country) who will never be able to go to NYC to see it. GREAT show.
Posted by: hephaestion | January 22, 2007 at 10:44 PM